Prayer Guidelines 

Prayers for the Cabinet

In many countries there is an office that is responsible to its principal officer, i.e. a Prime Minister, and its purpose is to support the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister and to ensure the effective running of the Government of that country.  Here we are using 'government' in the sense of the executive group as outlined in the opening paragraph of Prayers for The Prime Minister.

Cabinet OfficeIn Britain, the Cabinet Office is responsible for:
  • supporting collective government, helping to ensure the effective development, coordination and implementation of policy.
  • supporting the National Security Council and the Joint Intelligence Organisation coordinating the Government's response to crises and managing the UK's cyber security.
  • promoting efficiency and reform across Government through innovation, better procurement and project management, and by transforming the delivery of services.
  • promoting the release of Government data, and making the way Government works more transparent.
  • creating an exceptional Civil Service, improving its capability and effectiveness.
  • promoting social action and National Citizen Services, and growing the social investment market.
  • political and constitutional reform.

This list of responsibilities gives some idea of the weight that is carried collectively by Cabinet Members, and individually in the area for which they are responsible.  

Every country will have its own definition of responsibilities and how they are defined in relation to that country's governmental strategy.  Every country's responsibilities and how they are defined will always be benefitted by consistent, regular and targeted prayer.

How should we pray?

We should honour them.  
There are times when the actions, attitudes or behaviour of someone in a position of national responsibility and authority is not deemed to be appropriate for the position they hold.  They may lose our respect, but we should not diminish the way we honour the position they hold.  Romans 13:1 states the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

•    Let us pray that people in positions of authority will be worthy people and deemed worthy of that authority and the honour that relates to it.

They need to be 'mighty' people.
King David who was one of the mightiest leaders whose deeds are recorded in scripture.  It is recorded that he surrounded himself with mighty men.
1 Chronicles 11 & 12 lists them and also records some of the instances that portray their might.  It is recorded - And they helped David against the bands of raiders, for they were all mighty men of valour, and they were captains in the army. 22 For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God.

David's godly leadership did much to inspire, and it drew to his side many who were also mighty men and were leaders in their own right.   They wholeheartedly supported their leader.  It is awe inspiring to think that if a nation's leader is led by God and is able to draw to his side people of similar spiritual might and commitment, they may become 'like the army of God'.

•    Let us pray for mighty men and women of God to rise up into positions of national leadership 'until they are a great army, like the army of God.'

They will be loyal people.
Loyalty to an inspirational leader is easier to fulfil than to a leader who is deemed inadequate or inappropriate in that position.  Some people in positions of leadership control by force, manipulation and intimidation rather than by example.

•    Let us pray that national leaders will be loyal first and foremost to the Lord God; and then to their country and the people they serve.

They will be honest people
People of good and honest repute are invaluable.  In the days of the early church administrative people were needed to tend to the practical affairs of the church and the people.  The apostles' advice was just as true and important as such advice is today. 
Acts 6:3 - Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

•    Let us pray that people of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom will be appointed to oversee and direct the nation's affairs.

They will be surrounded by courageous and wise people.
There was an occasion in King David's life when he failed and covered it up - for a time. He had advisors who were prepared to challenge him to do what was right when he had failed. It takes men and women of courage to speak up when it is appropriate to do so and to do so with wisdom and grace. The record of the event in David's life is recorded in 1 Samuel 12:1-15.

•    Let us pray that godly people of courage and wisdom will be appointed to national positions of high responsibility.
